High Velocity – High Energy – Low Recoil
SIM-X SUBMASS™ bullet technology produces lower recoil. Using our proprietary jacket or kinetic-ceramic core, we are able to produce very high velocities with an efficiency that avoids +P pressures and the need to alter the firearm in any way.
The SUBMASS™ core technology provides an important advantage, which is weight reduction. For instance, 50 rounds of SIM-X .45 ACP weigh approximately 53% less than an equivalent amount of lead 230 grain .45 ACP. The benefits of using lighter ammunition are evident, and the military has also acknowledged its advantages.
Competitive shooters in some circles use under-whelming, reduced loads to affect lower recoil. The natural and desired result of a firearm with low recoil is the shortened time to reacquire the target. Faster target reacquisition equals faster follow up shots. The advantage this creates cannot be overstated, especially in a defensive shooting situation. SIM-X makes ultra-fast follow-up shots a reality. Using our high velocity SubMass™ technology with its lower recoil, you’ll be back on target in a virtual instant compared with standard ammunition.